Volunteer Work

Can you help?

Tick the skills you'd like to offer then click the "Send" button below

Please note you'll need an account to send us the information, so you may see a log in screen when you hit the button. If you don't have an account you'll need to register.

Type of Work Details Y/N
An advanced technologist will advise us on technology strategy as well as researching how to implement major enhancements to our technology assets
Advise us on accessibility for our web site and test our compliance
Advise on fixes and improvements needed to maintain our technological security
The project promoter collects information and seeks partners for a project which can be proposed to funders
Help us to plan new ways of meeting E-Safety needs and to design projects that we can present to funders.
Graphic design of web site, literature, presentations, social media posts
Responsible for finding and categorising good E-Safety content from third-party sources and suggesting ideas for in-house content
Keep us informed about what help schools need in regard to online safety
Recruitment of volunteers
Present to camera from script
Handles day-to-day testing, maintenance, fixes of our technology
Record and edit clips recorded by presenters
Translation of written material
Translation of written material
Maintains contact with our partners, arranges distribution of materials and deals with any operations issues
Creates external copy and does final edits on copy provided by others, for leaflets, social media posts and correspondence templates

Our "frequently asked questions page" for volunteers is here: FAQs (frequently asked questions)