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GoSafer.Online CIC is a non-profit company dedicated to helping families and individuals to make technical changes that will improve their online safety and to use good judgement in what they do online, which is even more important.
Contact Details
15 Chagford House Chagford Street London NW1 6EG 020 7723 1756 Email
The Company
GoSafer.Online CIC (Companies House Number 11884631) is a Community Interest Company, Limited By Guarantee. It was created on 15 March 2019. This type of company doesn’t have shareholders so it doesn't pay out profits as dividends. By law, all profits have to be kept within the company to be used for community benefit. The formal "CIC36 Community Interest Statement" that we made to the CIC Regulator is here.
If we close down, any property or cash on hand must be transferred to another non-profit or charitable organisation. Our Articles of Association name the Thomas Coram Foundation For Children for this purpose.
Our full-strength company board comprises three directors; one to be responsible for the running of the business, The other two (one of whom is chairman of the board) provide an independent view, and given that the chairman has a casting vote it’s necessary for the executive director to persuade other board members if big decisions are being taken.
Quick results are imperative in the startup world. Financial gearing may be a necessity if equity capital isn't available. Almost certainly the startup will have to take on technical debt (build things quickly and do the fixes later on when there are more resources).
A non-profit startup is not likely to load up with financial debt. It does usually make sense to take on technical debt, but there is a price to pay in running costs and security risks. We're fortunate have access both to seed capital and programming skills. This frees us to avoid some of the technical debt that other organisations have to take on, and we are beginning to see the benefits of this.
Our Message
We are non-political. We are neither pro- nor anti-capitalist, although we do want to encourage users of technology to be sceptical of tech companies' claims to be interested in users' well-being, when profit is more important to them.
Environment: Production
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